The ONE Question You MUST Answer Before People Will Buy From you


Before and After.

Percentage of Improvement.

You see this stuff in ads so often because it works.

Watch and share Emwow - Vince Offer For Eminem's Recovery Album GIFs on Gfycat

It’s a sales technique applied to sell the Slap Chop to 5 figure coaching programs.


These illustrations clearly answer the ONLY question you need to answer to get people to buy:

  • What’s in it for me?

Here’s why this matters:

If you don’t provide a compelling reason WHY people should - they’re not gonna buy.

If that reason isn’t something that matters to them - they’re not gonna buy.

They’re not gonna give you a second glance.


Them’s the rules.
Don’t hate the player - hate the game and all that…

Here’s the brutal truth:

People don’t really care about you or your business,


  • There is a benefit to them

  • That benefit gives them something they want

  • They desire that benefit

And that desire has to be bigger than the price of the item -

This, is Value.

It applies to everything from the status bestowed on the owner of a Louis Vuitton Purse to a kid counting out their change for penny candies.

It’s the reason PBS was begging for money and Jerry Springer is a top rated show - in this case - the people wanted entertainment instead of education.

They valued laughs and drama and cringe-worthy interpersonal relations.

So what does Jerry Springer have to do with selling your thing?

Great question…

The point is it doesn’t matter how great your thing is - how much inherent value it has - how smart of an idea or well priced the widget

If your thing doesn’t give the people what they want - they’re not gonna buy it.

Worse, if it does give the people what they want - but that’s not communicated clearly to them - they’re not gonna buy it.

Seems like all these roads are leading to poverty and failure, right?

Well it depends.

Depends on your abilities to sell and market your thing effectively.

Lemme ask ya this:

  • Can you get out of your own perspective enough to get into the shoes of your customer?

  • Can you answer the question “What’s in it for me?” clearly?

  • Can you clearly articulate the benefit of your offer?

  • Can you provide enough value to compel people to buy?

If you answered no to one or more questions, Houston, we have a problem.

A problem so big, you may just be headed down that road to poverty and failure (hate to break it to ya…but)

It may not look like that at first, but symptoms of this look like:

  • No one seems to care about what you do

  • No one is buying

  • You’re spending money on ads, courses and shiny new marketing toys - but still no sales.

  • You’re spending time on social media - with nothing to show for it.

You may be feeling:

Discouraged, anxious, overwhelmed and unsure of what to do next.

You may also find you don’t have anyone to talk to about this stuff.

Nope, I am not psychic.

I’ve worked with literally thousands of business owners to

  • Figure out what problem they solve

  • How they solve it

  • The benefits to solving it for their customers

  • Why it matters

  • Who it matters to

  • What value they generate

    and how to answer the question

    What’s In It For Me?

Insta Art April 2020 (14).png

So - can you answer THE question?

If not…you’re not the only one.

In fact, I created a program specifically for people in your position.

And I am stoked to report - the people that attend my Create Your Offer In 7 Days workshop go from being overwhelmed, isolated and running low on hope, direction and resources to:

Absolutely clear on what they do and what their customers get out of it.

What do they get out of this?

Quite a lot, actually:

  • They quit wasting their time and money hoping and wishing their marketing would work.

  • Instead, they are executing a plan that works to

  • Start making sales, profits and a real difference.

  • They sleep better knowing they don’t have to figure everything out on their own - they have expert support to help them!

  • Finally stop thinking and DO what’s needed to actually launch their offer

  • Have confidence in what they offer and the price they’re asking

  • Clearly articulate who they serve and what value they provide.

  • Breathe a sigh of relief knowing, it’s TOTALLY normal to feel nervous and stuck, but they don’t have to stay stuck!

  • Benefit from tech tools that pay them while they sleep - goodbye paperwork!

  • Have the freedom to work from anywhere

If these sound like some benefits you could use in your business, you should know there’s only a few more days left to enrol.

The Create Your Offer In Seven Days workshop is happening this June 3-10th.

It’s for folks that are ready to make decisions and do the work to get their offer out there.

Folks who aren’t playing around - that want to get this right the first time.

Folks that would like support, structure, direction and expert advice on launching their thing.

Spots are filling up and space is limited so…if you can’t answer when your customers ask

What’s in it for me?

I encourage you to click here to enrol

Laurel Anne Stark