5 Ways to Get Paid, Even During A Pandemic

I just about starved to death during the 2008 global economic crisis.

I was self employed and my business primarily served one industry in one location. So when the construction market in Alberta crashed, so did my income. To make things worse, there was a postal strike, so all the cheques that were supposed to be in the mail, never came. Every day I walked to the mailbox, my mouth dry and my hands shaking, praying and hoping a cheque would be there. Each day the feeling of dread in my gut would get heavier.

Creditors were calling, the mortgage was due and I just didn’t have the money I needed to survive.

Eventually the pressure got to be too great. Out of desperation I even tried to get a job as a waitress. Sadly, I didn’t get the job. I had no choice but to get deep into debt, and eventually go bankrupt.

The pain I went through at that time taught me a very valuable lesson… I learned I needed to diversify my income streams and my offerings. I needed to branch out and offer different things, to different people, at different price points, in different industries. So that’s what I did.

Over the last 12 years I’ve diversified my offerings and now, I have seven diversified streams of income. I am lucky. I survived the last recession and came out the other side intact. Because of this I know I will be ok in this one too.

Why I am telling you this is because I want to teach you what I learned about creating diversified revenue streams.

There are a lot of people out there struggling right now, and I want to help.

Next Thursday (April 2) I am hosting a webinar called

5 Things Self Employed People Can Do To Get Paid In Troubled Times.

Attendees will learn:
- The “Prince Charming Package Myth” and how it’s sabotaging your income
- 5 ways to bring in more money, regularly, without starting from complete scratch
- The exact tech tools you’ll need to make this happen
- Pitfalls and common mistakes that are costing you money
- The basics of an online sales funnel, to start leveraging the internet for cash

This is perfect for small business owners that are:
- running brick and mortar businesses that have been forced to close
- unsure how to generate money from the internet
- want to learn simple tweaks to sales offers that can dramatically improve profits

You will walk away with everything you need to know about stabilizing and increasing your cashflow.

The focus is on practical and tactical, stuff you can use right away in your business to get results. And it’s 1000% free.

All I ask is that if you get value from the webinar, you leave me a good review on Google.

If that sounds like a good deal, sign up now.

It’s happening Next Thursday at 10:30am Pacific. Link in Bio to register.

You will walk away with everything you need to know about stabilizing and increasing your cashflow.

The focus is on practical and tactical, stuff you can use right away in your business to get results. And it’s 1000% free.

All I ask is that if you get value from the webinar, you leave me a good review on Google.

If that sounds like a good deal, sign up now.

It’s happening Next Thursday at 10:30am Pacific.


Laurel Anne Stark